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Yep. That is the perfect word for how I feel right now, artistically, and in general. I dont know if I've ever been in such a discombobulated place. So, what's happening, you ask? First of all, we are building a house and managing everything that goes along with that, second, we are moving, and everything that goes along with that, and third, my "studio" is now pretty much packed in boxes and spread out all over - and everything that goes along with that! I'd cry if it weren't all so ridiculous and therefore funny. LOL.

In addition to all of that, I am participating in the Kimball Arts Festival - the premier arts fest in UT - the first weekend in August. I'm trying to wrap my head around moving July 29, and showing August 6 (and everything that goes along with that!). Breathe. Breathe. Breathe. LOL.

I've been able to eek out two large paintings among this insanity for the festival, but I've mostly been focusing on my small 4x4 oils and cards for CreatePC. I can make those at work, and on a small table (surrounded by protective gear to keep the new carpet and new paint clean) in the spare bedroom. LOL.

Yep..... I'd cry if it weren't so ridiculous and therefore funny. LOL.

P.S. Stop by and say hi at the Kimball Arts Festival, Aug. 6-8 and see if I've survived. LOL.

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